Lobster - So Delicious, It Gets 2 National Holidays!
Happy National Lobster Day! Those of you that follow food holidays might be thinking, "Hey, that's supposed to happen on June 15!" and actually, you wouldn't be wrong. Apparently, lobster is so amazing that it has earned itself 2 different days of celebration each year! Here at JB Hook's , we sort of celebrate it every day of the year by serving the best lobster at the Lake of the Ozarks on our regular menu. Here is a look at how this delicious seafood ended up with more than one nationally recognized holiday. New England Wants More In 2015, two senators from Maine lobbied to have the official National Lobster Day moved from June 15 to September 25. They claimed that the change was needed because it "underscores the significant role that lobsters play in supporting the economies of coastal communities across the country." You see, September 25 falls during New England's peak harvesting season for lobster. This is when the supply is highest, wh...